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JUST FEEL 感講 自家設計的感受溫度計,讓你5分鐘內了解自己和孩子「心」的溫度。將感受溫度計貼在家中「就手」及當眼位置,成為家中的環境佈置,提醒你和孩子隨時回顧、覺察和分享感受及其強弱。即使因事忙錯過孩子的分享,你也能透過孩子的感受溫度計理解孩子的心情,適時給予關心及幫助。感受溫度計可配合「感講 感受需要卡」及「感講日記」使用,幫助用家認識更多感受詞語,更仔細記錄內心的點滴。



感講 感受溫度計 JUST FEEL Feelings Thermometer

  • 內容:兩張可重用感受貼紙、兩張底板、一張說明書、兩支白板筆。

    尺寸:297mm x 210mm 


JUST FEEL 感講日記📖 使用說明🦒 |【看到彼此的感受】

JUST FEEL 感講日記📖 使用說明🦒 |【看到彼此的感受】

唔知大家有冇寫日記嘅習慣呢?寫日記係會寫咩嘅呢?表達感受,唔一定講出嚟,JUST FEEL 嘅「感講日記」就係一本親子寫「感受」嘅日記,讓家長同小朋友都能夠「睇」到大家嘅心聲。 21日培養一個習慣,呢本日記正正係為期21日嘅講「感受」之旅。 我哋邀請家長同小朋友一齊,用三個星期,21日時間去參與呢個感講之旅,透過寫、畫、親子小挑戰,練習覺察自己嘅感受,亦能夠看見對方嘅心聲,培養互相表達感受嘅習慣,連結彼此,建立更有愛嘅親子關係。 Do you keep a diary? What would you write in it? To express feelings, it is not a must to say aloud. "JUST FEEL Compassionate Diary" is a diary for both parents and children to record feelings on, and to visualize each other's thoughts. It takes about 21 days to form a habit; "JUST FEEL Compassionate Diary" is a 21-day journey of feelings record. You are invited to spend 3 weeks, a total of 21 days, experiencing the journey of recording and sharing feelings. By writing, drawing, participating in parent-child challenges, we together practise emotional awareness, develop the habit of telling each other about our feelings, rebuild the connection, eventually get closer to children's hearts. ======================== 想了解更多... FB: JUST FEEL 感講 IG: justfeel_hk 報名「同理吹緒」家長共學小組: 邀請分享或合作:Fb inbox / Email: #親子關係 #感講日記 #看到彼此的感受 #溝通 #情緒 #表達 #感受 #心情 #親子衝突 #育兒 #parenting #makefeelingsvisible #communication #feelings
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